The immersion Course - Surface Pattern Design with Bonnie Christine

* 2023 - 5 years later
* my thoughts on Bonnie Christine’s Surface Pattern Design Immersion course: a 2022 update - click here for more…
* a 2021 update - click here for more
* a look back to this time, in 2019

Have you ever wanted to learn how to design your own patterns for products like wrapping paper, fabric, notebooks, wallpaper or greeting cards?

Over on my Instagram feed, I’ve mentioned a number of times Bonnie Christine and what her courses - and the community and support in the Flourish tribe - have meant for me on my journey in my business and surface pattern design. And I am sure I will talk about it many more times, as I meet new milestones :)

Bonnie’s Immersion Course is launching next week. (Enrollment opens February 18, 2020 @ 11am EST).

If you have a dream that involves the surface pattern industry and don’t know where to start, I wholeheartedly recommend it. I believe in the course, I’ve experienced its impact on my business, and this year I am teaching a bonus module for it. I am honored to be an affiliate for it! Please reach out if you have any questions about Immersion, or want to chat.

The course is getting even richer this year.
Additional live Q&A sessions are being added for every week of the course, and the support for the course has doubled. Two more Adobe Illustrator savvy designers joined the team for the duration of the course to help answer student’s technical questions in a timely manner.
There are going to be 2 implementation weeks which focus on support, and make for time to really practice what students learn!
New bonus modules are also being added, along with some more exciting features that help and encourage the students to complete the modules.

It’s been life changing having her as a mentor. This year I am in her Mark Makers Mastermind, and I am delighted with the projects that this experience has been already igniting and inspiring!

Just as the previous year, I am mailing a $75 Amazon gift card as a thank you (e-giftcard for international students) to every student signing up for the Immersion Course using the affiliate link in this post.
…Art supplies, anyone? :)

“What’s with the iPad Pro pictures… ?!” you ask.
There is no requirement to own an iPad as a surface pattern designer.
But if you know me, by now you know how much I enjoy creating my artwork on my iPadPro, in the Adobe Draw app.
I thought it would be most appropriate and exciting for anyone who signs up through my affiliate link, to be entered for a chance to win a new iPad Pro (+ Apple Pencil + 2 year Apple Care)

The $75 Amazon gift card will be mailed the first week after enrollment closes (after February 29th), to every new Immersion student who signed up for the program using any of the affiliate links included in this blog post. Bonnie will send over your name and email so I can contact you. Please, do let me know if you use the link :)

To pick the winner of the
IpadPro + Apple Pencil + 2 year Apple Care (+shipping costs) package I will draw one name, the week of February 29th, out of all the new students who signed up through my affiliate link.
The iPad will be mailed after a 14 day-period, the day after March 16th 2020.

I had the most fun shopping for it and anticipating making someone very happy! :)
This is not sponsored, endorsed or associated in any way with Instagram or Facebook. It’s just me wanting to make one of my affiliate link users very happy! :)

Recently, while on the East Coast, Bonnie and I recorded an interview about where life has been taking our family, and about the part that her Immersion Course has played into it all.

I was very nervous about being in front of the camera, but it’s worth sharing, so I will when it goes live :) …and here it is! :)
Click here for the video >>> Meet Elena Wilken :: What the Surface Pattern Imme

Did hearing my story help bring clarity to your decision to sign up or not for Immersion?

If you like looking behind the scenes, here is a bit more of our story, and what coming across Bonnie Christine’s courses meant for my business, and for our family.

Just this past week, the first image in the slides, of Paul and Colin our youngest, showed up in Memories. A couple of days after, a picture of young Audrey and baby Parker.

…Every year I see these images through ‘On this Day’ feature on Facebook, they take me back to now 5 and 9 years ago, and the journey we’ve been on is not lost on me. ...against odds, 9 years ago, the month before Parker was born, I stepped out in faith and gave running my own business a chance and my very best. 
I’ve come to work with awesome companies as clients, and an amazing art director that helped me grow.

About the time Paul took on the role of stay at home dad with Colin’s birth, I’ve also came across Bonnie Christine through her Skillshare classes. Talk about growth and discovery of new horizons!

...Have you had throughout your school years a teacher that changed your life with what they taught and how they taught? A teacher that made things seem simple and manageable? 
Bonnie is that artist who was born to teach, and change your life while doing it.

While on the East Coast this past week, I got to sit down and talk to her about the ways her words and classes have impacted my life (click here for the video).
Beyond teaching illustrator techniques and sharing business wisdom, her words have a way to get to the heart of the matter and remind you that you can do hard things.
You can and should dream, and you can craft a career that you love. 
There is room and you can thrive even in an industry that at times seems over saturated.

If you have any interest in surface pattern design, on how to create and add multiple streams of revenue in your creative business, I wholeheartedly recommend any of her classes - on Skillshare, Creative Live, or the Immersion Course.
Right now, January 10th through January 18th, she is teaching a Free Workshop: Art of Business. You can walk away with a lot of info and answered questions. The workbook download in the first lesson is fabulous and packed with gems. Time well spent, nothing to lose.

... I am forever thankful our paths crossed at the time they did!


I'm an affiliate for Bonnie Christine’s Surface Pattern Design Immersion Course, and as an affiliate I will earn a portion of every registration that results because of my testimonials and promotional efforts. I applied to be an affiliate because her classes had such a tremendously positive effect on my business and I absolutely believe in this course and have seen the effects of going through it on my own business. She is an expert in her field, an artist with the heart of a teacher, and is committed to excellence and empowering and changing lives through her teaching.
I am one of those students with a changed life.