Ours for the taking...
Every space is a blank canvas waiting to be filled and painted over with our hopes and dreams. It doesn’t know what it will be until the moment we decide what we want - and take action.
What’s the one thing that you’d want in your dream studio?
Or even better, what is the one thing that you love and that brings you joy, in your current work space?
My last studio space, a blank canvas, just after I got the key (first image) and then after painting and bringing some things in (second image)
Computer work area, a drawing + painting area, a wall of artwork and the cork board wall.
Over the years, I’ve learned that regardless of the space I am in, there are four things I really can’t do without.
These are my have to’s:
🌿 loads of natural light
🌿 a wall-sized cork board*
🌿 a drawing area, separate from the computer desk
🌿 my iPad for digital illustration
The cork board wall has become a non-negotiable. I’ve had one in every one of the 3 office/studio spaces I’ve occupied over the years, from my first home office, to this space. As a self employed creative and a small business owner you get to wear so many hats at the same time. This big board helps me make sense of and keep organized my thoughts, projects, and takes the overwhelm out of wearing many hats. All while it brings beauty to the space.
I am such a big fan of having a cork board, I have a blog post with step by step installation instructions. :)
That beautiful plant, a gift from mom
The boys came by regularly for office art and treats dates. Was the draw to making art or was it that the studio was sitting just above the bakery and right across the street from the bagel shop? :) Regardless, I hope that they’ll always remember the times spent there with fondness and they learn that the world is theirs for the taking.
We can - and it is up to us to make our mark on the world.