Elena Wilken

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Art Dates and Alcohol Inks

Every year after Christmas, I take on a new creative adventure, or pick new art supplies to try and explore. One year I picked up new lettering tools, another year new watercolors, then there was the acryla gouache… Last Christmas I picked up Alcohol inks. Such a fun medium, with unexpected and delightful results!

I also introduced the kids to these. Ever since, there have been a lot of requests for art dates with mom at the studio :) Audrey even planned her 12th birthday party around a painting session with her friends.

I have to say that while I enjoy the medium, the kids’ results have been so much better than mine. This little guy has been having the most fun with them and it shows.

He was very excited when I licensed one of his paintings on a Save the Date card with Mpix, under the EW Couture Collection brand. It might’ve had everything to do with getting paid for it. …Next thing I knew there was a lot of art making and: “Can you use this mom? from the two older kids :)