Watercolors - from brush strokes to greeting cards

Hand-drawn, hand-made, watercolors - are a hot trend across industries in 2016, especially in gifts and all things stationary. The Christmas and holiday cards and custom photo gifts I've created for Mpix.com's EW Couture collection, reflect that trend and my love affair with watercolor and hand lettering. ...And song birds :)

Singing Birds - 5x7 EW Couture/Elena Wilken Christmas greeting card for Mpix.com

Singing Birds - 5x7 EW Couture/Elena Wilken Christmas greeting card for Mpix.com

Serene Tune - 4x8 EW Couture/Elena Wilken Christmas greeting card for Mpix.com

Serene Tune - 4x8 EW Couture/Elena Wilken Christmas greeting card for Mpix.com

Watercolor Birds - 5x7 EW Couture/Elena Wilken Christmas greeting card for Mpix.com

Watercolor Birds - 5x7 EW Couture/Elena Wilken Christmas greeting card for Mpix.com